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About Us

Finding Inspiration in Every Turn

Meet Laura E. Thompson, and RB Michaels, two authors who met online, bonded over a love for fantasy novels and previous publishing experiences, then became fast friends. They have joined forces to use their knowledge and talents to help other authors bring their novel dreams to fruition. 

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Your Adventure Begins with               Writer's Journey.

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Meet The Team

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R.B. Michaels
Editor and Author
Laura E. Thompson
Editor and Author

If you wish to see our books, click the link buttons to visit our author's websites.

Laura E. Thompson
R.B. Michaels

Our Story


Laura E. Thompson:


Editing Journey: In 2009, Laura received a subsidy offer from a small publisher. "Give us a reasonable upfront fee, we will do all the work and create a beautiful book that will sell. You will keep the rights and make back that money in no time," they said. After taking the money and promising to publish the entire series for only one price, Laura was left feeling disappointed by the lack of control over critical decisions, the book’s quality, and the follow-through with what was promised.


“On the phone, I was told by one partner that they would publish the following novels in the series without another subsidy fee. When it came time to publish the sequel, the other partner in the company laughed and said, “We didn’t promise that. Why would we? That’s how we make our money.” I knew I had been taken advantage of. Luckily, I kept the rights to my book as part of the contract. I cut ties with them and re-published it myself as a second edition. I didn’t recoup my cash but learned a valuable lesson: I wanted to spare other authors the same frustration and headache if I could.”


Laura studied content editing and worked as a freelance content editor. “I knew that the technical side, line editing, for example, was not my strong suit. However, identifying plot holes, character development, pacing, world-building, that is what I love and help authors with.”


“When I met R.B., we talked about the fact that we had been through similar experiences publishing our first novels and didn’t want that for other people. When R.B. told me he was starting a side business to edit for others, I quickly signed up to become his first client. I was shocked at the result. He and his one of a kind macro he created worked much better than Grammarly or Scrivener. He improved my writing tenfold. I even pulled back my previously published books and hired him to edit them so that I could release better versions. I wouldn’t want to publish my books without him now.”


R.B. Michaels:


Editing Journey: R.B. started to edit books in 2019 after experiencing issues with editors inside a publishing package and a lot of money lost on empty promises and poor quality work. Fed up with the frustration of others, R.B. decided to enroll and complete a certificate editing course, which he scored in the top percentile of the class. R.B. spent two years honing his skills and created his own macros to help edit performance and increase editor skills. R.B. has developed a unique power structure format that scores each sentence and paragraph. He has completed several book edits from authors who rave about the services received.


Today, R.B. has teamed with Laura E. Thompson. Together, their editing and individual skills are merged into one to create the most electrifying results for authors at reasonable costs. Writer's Journey aims to help authors develop masterpieces they can be proud to publish.




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